Sitemap - 2022 - The Dalai Lama's Cat: Buddhist compassion in action

Milestones that matter

Mindful Safari next August: Three rooms left


Waking up

Worldly pleasures: to taste or not to taste? A Buddhist perspective.

What are memories? How do they change?

Excerpt from: The Nostalgia Factory, Memory, Time and Ageing, by Douwe Draaisma

How you are helping elephant orphans

Our Lama's greatest gift

Dharamshala: "Putrid" or Pure Land?

When I swim, I swim

Instant Karma: Published today!

Read the first chapters of 'Instant Karma' here!

Instant Karma: The day it happened - Prologue

Instant Karma: The day it happened - Chapter 1

Instant Karma: The day it happened - Chapter 2

What is a lama's greatest gift?

Join me on Mindful Safari in August 2023

In Conversation with Vicki Mackenzie

Heart-to-heart connection

Instant Karma: The day it happened- pre-order

One mind, dear reader? Or two?

600 beating hearts say "Thank you!"

How, exactly, to access our inner riches

A gift of presence

How we can help the Queen

Searching for riches we already possess

The Queen and the kookaburra

Do you ignore your kindest benefactor?

Meditation changes the way we hear music

What is Shunyata?

A heartfelt encounter with a beautiful being

From a mountain in Tibet: A monk's journey

Do we have the power to change our world?

Postcard from the mountains

Inspiration and humor from a real-life yogini

Excerpts from: Reflections on a mountain lake by Tenzin Palmo

July Update

Plan and monitor your meditation practice

Questions and Answers with David

Famous writers: by their cats

A different reality, beautifully evoked

Excerpts from: A Journey in Ladakh by Andrew Harvey

My heartfelt thanks!

Upcoming events in Czech Republic & Perth, Australia

How to end your meditation session

Lobsang and the magic mala

Lobsang and the magic mala

Please pick your favourite book cover!

The cottage on the lake

The six preparatory practices of meditation

On-cushion & off-cushion meditation

Guided Meditations: Breath-counting - intermediary, including Tilopa's 6 Precepts (15 Minutes)

Guided Meditations: Breath-counting - intermediary (15 minutes)

Guided Meditations: Breath counting - beginner (15 minutes)

Why is mind-training the Buddhist path?

What is the true source of beastliness - and delight? A Buddhist perspective.

Expressing the inexpressible

More quality time with your favourite cat?

Welcome to my new book!

Waking up!

Thich Nhat Hanh: I am not here