Jul 20Liked by David Michie

Thank you David for posting your conversation with Susan. It was fascinating especially the fact that thought is faster than the speed of light.

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Pleasure, Wendy. The idea of thought being faster than light is kind of obvious when said out loud, and certainly accords with the Buddhist notion that in the bardo, as beings of thought, wherever we think, we are.

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I thought that was truly obvious and mindblowing at the same time!

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Jul 20Liked by David Michie

Great interview - love the intersection of Buddhist teachings on rebirth and mediumship. Well explained. Thank you for sharing this.

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So glad that you found it helpful, Mordy!

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So interesting. I have heard expansions on this topic to the effect that souls once freed from the body can exist in multi dimensions since they are not confined to time as we are.

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Exactly, Pamela! A very useful insight!

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We live on a planet that rotates once every 24 hours and travels round the sun every year. So we are caught in time. It seems real for us as long as we are in the body but it is not real for beings in spirit. So hard for us to grasp!

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by David Michie

She's such a compelling speaker. I tapped into her website and listening to an interview. A remarkable person and such a resource for all of us. So appreciate these posts from you David! I particularly zoned in on her statement.. when I am calm the world around me is calm. I've written that down as one of my daily mantras! I find it to be so true!

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Yes, reality is so much our projection. It's wonderful to have a fresh voice for these shared insights. Many thanks, Brenda.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by David Michie

OH MY! I WANT TO LISTEN AND RE-LISTEN AND RE-LISTEN! Thank you David, as always, for your important, meaningful sharing of a broader understanding at every turn. Love to you and Susan Ashley for this interview.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

Our pleasure, thank you Maura for your ENTHUSIASM!

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Jul 20Liked by David Michie

Thankyou for sharing this. I have often wondered how to reconcile the Buddhist teachings on bardo and rebirth, and seemingly inconsistent clairvoyant experiences of communicating with beings who have died beyond the time periods in the teachings. What Susan says about essentially communicating with a resonance and not the being itself makes sense. Lots to contemplate. I plan to listen to this again. Thankyou 🙏💕

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So glad this helped, Sarah. I feel a lot of us have had this unanswered questioned lingering for a while. Great to have it resolved!

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Gosh I have to say this is not my experience! I am chatting to something, someone, and it doesn't matter if they are gone 10 minutes or 40 years; there is a personality that's driving the bus but a spirit animating the conversation - pushing information through, offering messages.....It might just be semantics but it feels like this is dismissing the experience of love that shines through those interactions.

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Jul 20Liked by David Michie

Fabulous interview with Susan. What a talent she has and I’m so impressed with the way she has developed that gift through Buddhist practice. Thanks David for so many different things that you bring to your humble audience. Thank you From my heart.

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Heartfelt thanks from Susan and me, Pamela!

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Thank you David and Susan for these fascinating insights into what is often perceived as a sensitive topic. I am one of those who has struggled with the idea of interacting with someone who has passed and the concept of rebirth. Food for thought……..🙏🏻🪷

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So glad you find it stimulating. See you in camp soon, Jane!

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Jul 24Liked by David Michie

Very interesting to hear that thoughts hang around. I believe this after Having felt the negative oppressive atmosphere of an office where everyone said the right thing but the air was heavy with strife.

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Yes, Tani Rae, and atmospheres/energy can remain for long after.

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Jul 21Liked by David Michie

Thank you David! I can't help think of the parallels between this and a book I JUST finished. If you get a chance check out Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander. I appreciate you sharing this video at this time. It reinforces what I just read. I know I should meditate more regularly and I'm receiving all these messages to encourage it. Namste.

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I have the book on my shelf, Stacey, and often refer to it. If you enjoyed it, you may also find the Netflix docu series Surviving Death of interest.

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Thank you David and Susan.❤️ Love ,Light and Truth indeed! Without expounding on my own clairvoyant experiences in too much detail, I too feel the other realms and chose to live in Mt Shasta because the energy is so pure for me….Twice a year Buddhist Monks visit and stay here for a week and the blessings they bring are so beautiful…..In a sense ,I don’t have words for, they clear us all as I see it. Thought forms do exist, for me they are round red balls that make an exploding sound as they move around and if everyone saw them I think war might cease to exist….I have felt we live simultaneously in other realms as well as this one as star seeds Susan spoke of….She speaks my language….this world is so beautiful… As a child I saw what I refer to as “the golden dawn…” dew would fall on the roses and they would lift their petals to God is the way I explained it…I think because I saw it, at 4 years old, that’s why I’m so calm and observant , that memory speaks Light, Love and Truth to this day.❤️

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I am so very glad that Susan's message resonated so deeply with you, Adrienne. Thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful place to live and experiences to have with your visiting monks!

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Gratitude upon gratitude for this video, David. Too many layers of "ah ha" to write about here. I had an epiphany of sorts during the listening. No coincidences. 😊🙏

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Delighted to hear it - nothing better! Many thanks, Penny.

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Jul 20Liked by David Michie

I'm so grateful to all who share their kind hearts toward our loving peace. Thank you for the introduction to Susan.

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My pleasure, Megan!

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Jul 20Liked by David Michie

💜🙏🏽 Excellent discussion. Thank you for sharing it.

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My pleasure, thank you Lynn!

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Jul 30Liked by David Michie

Thank you David and of course Susan for her wonderful insight to this point. It is an interesting view

But I always thought that even though you die your connection with a loved one or someone you have a connection with still exists.

One should never ignore these thoughts and dreams as it could truly be someone trying to reconnect.

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Yes, I quite agree, Peter.

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Thank you David. One thing I wanted to know is, it always that your soul will find a reincarnation couple on the 49th day? Could the soul be

In limbo for a longer period?

Could a dole enter somebody’s body that is already alive but has a near death experience?

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Jul 24Liked by David Michie

Hello David,

Thank you, and Susan for this interview, so fascinating.

A True Story:

When I was a very young child, around 4 years old I was in bed sleeping, late at night. I woke up in the dark and standing in front of me was an elderly short plump woman dressed in black Victorian clothes. A lace black cap on her head.

She reached out and held me under my arms lifting me up from the bed.

I remember being really frightened and as soon as I felt that she left.

I never forgot her presence, was it a vivid dream perhaps.

Years later in my 20’s looking through an old photo album I came across this woman. Dressed as I had seen her. Sitting in the front of an old studio portrait of my Grandfather as a child with his siblings and Mother and Father.

I found out that the elderly woman was my Grandfathers, Grandmother.

A mystery, I’ll never understand.

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Fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing this experience, Pauline.

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