So grateful to have discovered HHC years ago and more recently, lol, you, David! A newer subscriber, I much enjoy your insight and humor—and appreciate being part of this wonderful community you have gathered. 💕

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Thank you for what you do. I am delighted to be a small part by contributing.

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Very grateful for you in my life. Look forward to quiet times with your wisdom and words. The opening to the African wildlife work is a delightful and heartwarming plus.

All the best on this lovely day of Thanksgiving.

Susan Fisher

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Work worth supporting! But we spent ALL our donation funds supporting candidates all across the country. And haven't even contributed yet to our regulars. Sorry we can't contribute. Barbara Ford

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That was a beautiful interview, giving us a better understanding of the baby elephants that are left in the wild and how different it is for them to be raised by people instead of the herd. Thanks to both of you for this wonderful interview and for the work you do in Africa

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I loved your video! I really belive the elephants read people's heart and the same time is realy amaizing!

Thanks so much

Rossy Cortes


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