(Photo: David with Roxy Danckwerts, Founder of Wild is Life/Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery)
Dear Subscribers,
My heartfelt thanks for all your support through the year.
What an extraordinary year it has been on so many levels!
Your encouragement and ongoing reading, sharing and commenting on my work means more to me than I can say. And all you paying subscribers who support the wonderful causes we do, are helping more than you can possibly know to alleviate suffering and offer hope to some of the most vulnerable people and animals in the world.
One of the causes we support is Wild is Life/Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery, established by Roxy Danckwerts. Roxy and her daugher-in-law, Jules, are powerful communicators, and I have been trying to coax them to do something on Substack for a while.
So, I am delighted to let you know that this month they launched their newsletter ‘WildSong’ on Substack. And they have just published a video chat between Roxy and me from my last visit to Zim. I am happy to share the video right here. Click on “Listen now” to watch the video. If you have problems with sound, make sure your device has volume turned up and the mute button under the video is off (bottom left - speaker icon):
If you have enjoyed the tales I’ve shared of how once-orphaned Annabel met a bull elephant in the wild and gave birth to baby Summer, or the video of Marimba the pangolin with her e x t r e m e l y long tongue, or any of the other goings-on at Wild Life, please consider subscribing to WildSong as a free or paying subscriber. That way, you can keep up with all the fascinating stories, videos and adventures that I don’t have the space to share.
May WildSong be carried in the ten directions on boundless waves of love and compassion!
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So grateful to have discovered HHC years ago and more recently, lol, you, David! A newer subscriber, I much enjoy your insight and humor—and appreciate being part of this wonderful community you have gathered. 💕
Thank you for what you do. I am delighted to be a small part by contributing.