Thank you David. Having been aware the “untangling of threads “, as I have always called it, is something that is done consciously here in my life very often…the awareness goes deep and I smile when even a necklace gets tangled and I have to make it right again that I am really aware this is more than a necklace I am untangling…perhaps i…
Thank you David. Having been aware the “untangling of threads “, as I have always called it, is something that is done consciously here in my life very often…the awareness goes deep and I smile when even a necklace gets tangled and I have to make it right again that I am really aware this is more than a necklace I am untangling…perhaps it’s just thoughts that I don’t need anymore that I’m untangling from my mind…On a separate note, First Summer, now Maggie…best sister friends I imagine for life…How very sweet to know of them in this world and to love them 7000 miles away so dearly as I do!🐘💕🐘
Thank you David. Having been aware the “untangling of threads “, as I have always called it, is something that is done consciously here in my life very often…the awareness goes deep and I smile when even a necklace gets tangled and I have to make it right again that I am really aware this is more than a necklace I am untangling…perhaps it’s just thoughts that I don’t need anymore that I’m untangling from my mind…On a separate note, First Summer, now Maggie…best sister friends I imagine for life…How very sweet to know of them in this world and to love them 7000 miles away so dearly as I do!🐘💕🐘
Your messages are always so filled with love Adrienne!