Dear David, If ever you have a moment of doubt about whether it is worth your time and effort to write about this wisdom and these truths since, after all, they have been taught and written about by many for over 4000 years, forget the doubt! Your particular way of communicating these truths is a gift and real contribution. Thank you!

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I am so touched by your beautiful message! Thank you, Cathy!

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Thank you David. It brings to mind the saying that when you are trying to escape the misery of life “that no matter where you go, there you are”.

Thank you so much for your insight on this complicated subject.


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My pleasure Peter. And that saying is most appropriate.

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Thank you very much

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Good morning, David

Thank you for this excellent post. The one bit that really struck a chord was the karma. You are so correct when you say what you show to the world is what returns to you.

The past few months many would have described as horrific unyet because I have concentrated and been fortunate enough to have lived in the now the time has not been horrific instead a time to learn some very sound life lessons. During this time both my frail elderly parents have had falls and within three months gone from living in their home to permanent care. as they had nothing whatsoever in place my husband and I have had to make all the decisions. Yet again these decisions have been made for the right reason with only their welfare and comfort at the fore front. Our feelings were not of importance. Along the process we had to have their older dog put down and the younger one rehomed and now we are packing up a house.

Quite the worst event was having to put our beautiful 9-year-old Border Collie put down quite unexpectedly. Yet again there was no decision. The only decision was for her and that she no longer suffered. In amongst my grief, I remembered a post of yours when you had lost your cat. I remembered you had said to leave everything out for 49 days. We have followed this with the water bowls being filled daily etc. It has given us great comfort as we sit at day 42.

My point to all this is that as a human spirit if our heart and more importantly our mind is in the right place, we not only survive but learn and grow. The biggest lesson has been to trust in the universe, and she will provide. She certainly did on Monday with the most beautiful 10-week-old kitten who came home from the Cat Haven to join our 5-year-old cat who was grieving deeply. The week has had many moments but sweet sounds of laughter.

Once again thank you for your post and the hope it offered.


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I am so glad that you found this post a source of hope as you navigate through a difficult time in your life Sarah.

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Please keep writing. Your words whether in the Dalai Lama cat books or on substack help to put my daily challenges into perspective. I feel uplifted. I feel replenished. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

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Thanks so much for your generous message, Jennifer. I am so glad you feel this way!

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Thank you David, feeling so grateful to have the karma/merit to meet the dharma daily in various forms including your weekly words of wisdom and inspiration 🙏🏼

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Thank you so much Susan for typically kind message!

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Thank you so much David. I tend to forget that it’s our mind that creates our realities. I might need to understand this concept fully.

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We all forget, Susanna! We are constantly being seduced by appearances into believing they have nothing to do with us!

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Gosh, this is very profound and enlightening David. Beautifully put. I need to work harder to shake off the perceptions that drag me down each day. Old habits, arguably easy habits, but bad habits none the less. I shall try to meditate on this in the days ahead, and do better each day.

Thank you.

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Thank you so much Erin. I am so glad you find it helpful!

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I appreciate this writing. Especially the idea of going to a place of light and love after we die. But isn't there a Pure Land that we can access and travel to after death in Buddhism? How does that factor in? Thank you.

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HI Gaye, There are, indeed, countless pure lands which are we are able to access by practising the specific sadhanas/mind-training associated with them. At the sutra stage, we practice recognising that ordinary appearances are illusion-like. At the tantra state, we practice transforming ordinary appearances into divine reality - in our minds - until such time that our purification of karma and accumulation of merit enables us to experience this directly. If, in this lifetime, we are fortunate enough to receive initiations to a tantra practice, and we develop it sincerely, the appropriate pure land is what our consciousness is able to experience when leaving our body at the time of death. I actually have a post coming up on the death process early in January, which I hope may ber useful to you.

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Thank you so much, David, for taking the time to make such a clear and lengthy reply. It greatly clarifies and solidifies things for me. Thank you so much for your work and your writing. It has taught me so much and is such a blessing on my path. May all beings benefit.

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Thank you for posting these deep insights, David.

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I am so glad that you find them beneficial, Wendy!

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Such a fab read, David, and such a timely reminder for me right now. Thanks. 💛

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I am delighted to hear this, many thanks Maria.

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Thank you David for the latest Dalai Lamas cat and other intrigues

So good ....... all year it has been so inspiring

Thank you for the help of the animals too and the sharing beautiful videos

Happy time to you and loved ones and readers Peace and Love Trisha

ps My Instant Karma has arrived how lovely

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I really hope you enjoy Instant Karma, Trisha! Many thanks for your beautiful message, I really appreciate it!

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Once again such a motivating post,

thank you for all the highly interesting writings in 2022.

I appreciate every newsletter, regardless the length or the frequency!

Very best wishes for the holiday season and a hopefully peaceful 2023,


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My sincere thanks, Manya, for your lovely message! Wishing you a happy festive season and peaceful new year too.

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To all who liked my comment. I thank you

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Dear David, thank you for these words of enlightenment. They have helped me to deepen my journey of awareness. It is a long journey but a wonderful one. And I agree with Cathy below - your writings are a quiet joy to read. Enjoy a peaceful festive time.

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I sincerely appreciate your kind message, Anne!

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The concept that jumped out at me in this article was the fact that we can conceive of an “exit strategy” when we need one. We are not bound to re-playing the same dream/nightmare over and over if we choose not to do so. Easily said - not easily done, but quite possible as the dream scenario continues to unfold. Thank you, David, for reminding us of this very useable tool for productive living that is always available if we just let ourselves “wake up”, even just a little bit!

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My pleasure, Susan! Glad you found a useful concept in here!

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Thank you very much

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