That last line was perfect. Thanks!

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So glad it resonated, Kat!

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A really lovely story for Christmas, just having coffee after going for a walk with my dog. Perfect. And for me very appropriate as my dad died on 11th December and I am often overwhelmed with sadness but you reminded me to enjoy today and look to the future with hope. Merry Christmas David!

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I am so glad this helped, Gill. Merry Christmas to you too!

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This gives my relationship with my four year old grandson such a new slant. He's an immensely empathic little boy with an old head on very young shoulders. I shall find even greater joy in watching him and listening to him.

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So glad to hear this, thanks Prue. It can be fascinating to reflect on these underlying connections ...

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Poinsettias are one of my favorites at Christmas. This story felt so familiar to me because a dear friend of mine lost her beloved French Bulldog several years ago. His name was Boomerang. She was inconsolable, so much so that she wanted him back and spent many months going to breeders looking for another dog exactly like him. In time she found Boomerang who was his twin in appearance and in his behavior towards her. I suggested she write about her experience, which she did, and her book entitled “Boomerang Returns” was published the next year. It was marketed as a children’s book. Reading it brought me to tears and it made my heart sing. Thank you for this lovely reminder.

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Tlhank you so much for sharing this story about Boomerang Returns, Joanne. His name seems to have been a self-fulfilling prophecy!

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Dearest fya . Every time I read your stories I am reminded of your creative power which I enjoy so much . Thank you for this one . I have this feeling of coming home .Much love . Eebs xxxx

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So glad to hear this Eebs. And thank you so much for your kind message!

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Lovely lovely story David. Thank you

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Many thanks indeed, Tom!

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Thank you David, I somehow knew where you were headed and a lovely way to reveal it. I hope we all realise the discovery of our loved ones in this manner but I fear it is too late for me.

A great story. Have a merry Christmas and your family. Looking firward to

more stories.

I finished Instant Karma and must recommend it to everyone. A wonderful mystical tale told with such brilliance that I enjoyed every second. I wish it could happen once just to make everyone resalise what Karma is all about. Your use of Buddhist information is phenomenal and brought the teachings to life. Ths you once again for entering my life. I can never thank you enough.


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Many thanks for your very kind message, Peter. I am so very glad that you found Instant Karma both entertaining and helpful. We are all on this journey together.

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Gorgeous David, you’ve made my day! Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It has left me with a happy smile inside and towards the world, a wonderful gift in this hard time. Happy Christmas and a happy new year!

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Thank you so much Susanna, and here's wishing you a wonderful festive season and new year too!

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These things are so often overlooked or branded as mere fanciful misinterpretation. But, when you start to look at Buddhism, things make far more sense. Undeniable truths are everywhere when we have our eyes opened. A great post, David, thank you. Heartwarming and encouraging too.

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Thank you so much for your generosity of spirit, Erin!

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Love this short story that also brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much fir writing and sharing it David. Wishing you and family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 🙏💐🎁🐾

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So glad to hear this, Sheena! Merry rest-of-the-festive season and happy new year to you too!

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What a gem!

Also a very poignant reminder That there may be hidden depths to our connections and even our unexplained dislikes.

And that love will find a way.

Thank you

I have been telling all my friends about Instant Karma so I am hoping Adelaide sales go up big time!

Happy New Year

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Thank you so much for being my Honourary Sales Director in Adelaide, Sarah! As they say, nothing sells like enthusiasm!

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Dear David, I have two photographs of paintings of elephants I did about three years ago.

Would you like to see them? If so, which e-mail address should I use?

If so moved I could paint one for you too,

I am a painter in oils, usually landscapes but love elephants, thought I would give it a try. Trish Vowles

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Thank you so much for your very generous offer, Trish. The best email address is safari@davidmichie.com - also appropriate given the subject matter!

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What a very beautiful story about undying love - a lovely gift for Christmas. Thank you, David. I also enjoyed your craftsmanship as a writer - the pacing and the finish were just terrific!

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I so appreciate your feedback - thank you Sharadha!

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Whimsical and appealing. I only wish that it could all be true. Thanks again David. Saturday's emails have become something I really look forward to receiving. Also, I would like to wish you and your wife a happy festive season, good health and prosperity for 2023. Trish Vowles

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Thank you so much for your kind message Trish - wishing you all good things for 2023 too!

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Thank you David for this beautiful up lifting story to read on this early Christmas morning ❤️ All my best to you David 🤗

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Thank you so much Candace - and to you too from me!

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Lovely story. I really enjoyed it.

So happy today. I just received Instant Karma for christmas. Made my day and I can't wait to start reading it.

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I hope you enjoy Instant Karma! Thanks for your message!

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