Apr 27Liked by David Michie

Thank you for reminding us of this truth David. I'm in the process of seeking to shed 'labels'...those forced on me by society, culture, others, and of course myself. It is not easy...our 'labels' become our identity, a sort of classificatory 'comfort blanket' which actually do not comfort at all. To return to, or discover for the first time, our core identity, is indeed to find wholeness.

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You are so right about labels, Michael, especially in the identity-obsessed culture we currently live in. Your point about the paradox of seeking the comfort of labels, even when they are not very comfortable, is bang on. This is such a big subject I feel I need to explore it in a future post. Many thanks for raising it!

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Apr 27Liked by David Michie

As always, you can distill the complex into easily accessible bites that are not so overwhelming or leaving me with the “I’m never gonna get there…(so why keep beating myself up)” feeling. Thank you!

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Thank you for so beautifully describing what I am trying to do, Johanna! I am really glad this is resonating with you!

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Apr 28Liked by David Michie

My favorite reminder in this post, "Simply sitting and watching consciousness in the role of impartial observers, we can see how thoughts arise, abide and pass through a continuum of clarity. They have no power to remain unless we engage them with our attention. We are the masters of our consciousness, even though, for the most part, we may not recognise it. It is we who choose - usually unknowingly - which thoughts remain and recur when we energise them with our focus. The discovery of our Buddha nature inspires us to take conscious control of this process." Thank you for your continued guidance and care. 💜🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️

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I am so glad to know that you found this useful, many thanks Deborah!

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Apr 27Liked by David Michie

David, I will read this over, and over, and over again, again, and again. I feel a deepening peace and trust in being human and carrying on for the ride.. however long or short … Thank you 🙏🏽

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My heartfelt thanks Margaret! So glad that it is helping you on the journey!

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May 7Liked by David Michie

Thank you David a wonderful reminder of our true self.

Labeling is so annoying. I watch my brother in law who is a border and fauna & flora bogging and he gets so mad that those that must be obeyed keep on changing the names of the birds, trees and flowers!

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Yes it is very confusing that the labels we learned for trees and birds as kids are suddenly deemed inappropriate! The rose, by any other name, smells as sweet!

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May 1Liked by David Michie

Brilliant David. I've heard the comparison of mind and thoughts to sky and clouds before. Somehow, the way you presented it in your video, caused an aha moment and it really clicked at a cellular level. I have a phrase I repeat often.. our thoughts create our reality. The sky / cloud analogy goes hand in hand with it. Much gratitude for your Wisdom!

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It is a helpful metaphor, Brenda, and I am so happy you had that 'aha' moment. So liberating when we get the concept that we are not our thoughts!

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Dearest David,

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and experience in the path. I really loved this email. I am doing the practice, because I really want to experience the true nature of the mind. And I want to advance in the Buddha’s. knowledge.

Thanks again from my heart.

Rossy Cortes


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My heartfelt thanks, Rossy!

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Apr 29Liked by David Michie

Having just come home from my first Buddhist retreat (at Sravasti Abby) which was such a rich experience, and opening this week's message from you - well, it was almost too much joy. What riches! Thank you so much for all of it; the opening message, the video and following stories that delighted and further inspired me. You da best!

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I am so happy that you had such an inspiring retreat, Penelope! May the inspiration continue!

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Apr 28Liked by David Michie

A Label is something that is perhaps needed to help identify something that may or may not be known/unknown for others to understand what it is. "Is that Grape Jam or Blueberry Jam" in that jar?

As Humans we often allow ourselves or demand to be labeled "the oldest son" or "Mensa level student" or "Mr/Mrs/Miss" or "Doctor/Lawyer/Teacher" as it relates to what we do. Least we forget the Z-generation "Him/Her/They". However, how often are we Mis-labeled and then suffer the consequences of such a title or label?

Does any of it matter? If we could only be comfortable in knowing "I AM" 💜🙏🏽✨

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Quite so, Lynn. In Tibetan Buddhism the phrase 'mere label' is often used, reflecting the fact that while labels are often helpful even necessary in conventional reality, ultimately they have no significance at all.

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"mere label" That I like !!!

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David, smiling and bowing to you for your video nugget of practice that is so impactful. I used it this morning when "thoughts" were running wild. "What is mind?" Cleared the "sky" instantly. Such relief and calm – a moment of spaciousness and the clouds have been fewer and moving through. Namaste.

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So glad you have found this, Penny! It is my experience too. Wonderful practice passed onto us from the lamas.

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Apr 28Liked by David Michie

Thank you for explaining 'what is mind' in a straightforward way that is easy to understand.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Author

So glad you found it easy to understand, Wendy! An important subject to de-mystify!

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Apr 28Liked by David Michie

Thank you David for this brilliant and encouraging video and teaching prompting me to take up this simple but mind-changing practice 💚🌻

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Ah Susan, you are already the expert, but thank you very much for your kind message!

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Apr 28Liked by David Michie

I have never met you but my goodness you described my mind in a nutshell! I even had a little giggle along the way & a smile on my face for most of the video. Recent Example…..I lost my debit card recently & drove myself demented, literally! My son’s response….”don’t worry about it Mum! Easily fixed”. Sure enough once I let it go, peace of mind…..from now on it’s the sky & clouds scenario. Thank you.

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Don't worry, Sue, we are all quite, quite mad! I often think it's just as well that we don't have TV sets attached to our heads displaying our thoughts!

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Apr 27Liked by David Michie

Thankyou David for your video on ‘what is mind’ - I have really taken it in & feel it has opened a way of living each day much more calmly.


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I am so very glad to hear this, thank you Trish!

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Apr 27Liked by David Michie

Your updates are so very helpful. Thank you!

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Really pleased to hear this, thank you Tiah!

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Apr 27Liked by David Michie

After a day of dissatisfaction & self criticism - not that again, how tiresome, where does it come from?! - your post is like a salve. Thank you.

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We all need a regular reminder, thank you Lyn!

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