Thank you David. What a wonderful story. I like your ladies was also on tears. I am quite emotional at the moment. I am busy selling my house and managed to find a wonderful cat lover who has taken my beloved cat to look after. She sends me commentary every day and she is settling in nicely. I am moving into a mid care unit out on Benoni Farms and they are allowing me to take my beloved dog with me. I am so thankful to everyone. There are still good people in this world.

Stay safe ❤️

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So sorry you have had to say goodbye to your cat, Peter, and so happy she is settling into her new home. I hope you settle in to your also!

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Peter, I've enjoyed your comments and wondered about you. I wish you the very best on your move. I'm grateful your cat mom is keeping you posted. I hope the cat and dog aren't grieving the loss of their relationship. I'm sure your cat misses you greatly. Take care.

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Hi Penelope, Thank you for your kind words. I am over the moon with my old cats new mom. She has taken to living there so well.

I also managed to re house a young ex feral neutered male as well.

I must say

My poor little dog does feel the loneliness without his other mates and like me is feeling a bit out of sorts as I have managed to dispose of most of my trappings and am living in virtually an empty house. It isn’t fun, but I didn’t want to leave everything to the last minute. I do regret it as it a lifetime of memories. I really never expected to end up like this. Oh well, nothing can be done now. I wish you well in the dharma, and thank you for reaching out.

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This story is so precious! These people are wonderful! You are wonderful! Thank you

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The heart has such a remarkable ability to keep expanding, despite being weighted by grief. Thanks to every tender heart, in both of these compassionate organizations, who contributed to creating this healing story, and to you, dearest David, for sharing it all with us!

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How wonderful! It brings tears to my eyes!!! xx

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This beautiful post has me in tears. So happy they have found eachother, and have this chance to heal and experience joy again. Thankyou for sharing 🙏💕🌈

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Such a touching and beautiful story.

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Dear David,

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. It touched my heart deeply.

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Thank you David for this beautiful story of how love can heal. And thank you to Roxy and Sarah for enabling this and for all you are doing for the beings at your sanctuaries 🙏🏽

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What a beautiful story and so well told.I felt I was almost there.

Thank you David,for sharing this experience.

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Thank you David for sharing this beautiful story. Heartbreaking how much grief animals feel and that we get to see it when we are close to them. It is heart warming to know there was a happy ending. So much love and kindness from Roxy and Sarah what amazing people who run the sanctuaries. I volunteer at an Animal Sanctuary close to where I live outside Auckland and to witness the care that they have for their beings is extraordinary. Sadly we don’t have lions! I’m originally from Africa and miss these great beasts, but I’ve come to regard chickens and ducks and other small creatures as very interesting too, including miniature horses:)

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What a lovely way to start the day. to read this. But sadly, it reminds me of the mourning of our widowed cat, after 15 years of "marriage" She never really recovered. Both lived about 17 years, which, of course is expected of a cat.

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Sorry to hear this, Brigitte.

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What a heartwarming post, it made me cry but I’m so glad there was a happy ending. Thank you for sharing this story, David! And huge thanks to Roxy and Sarah for making this happy ending possible. 🙏🏻🪷🦁🦁

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Ohh David, such a beautiful story from Sarah and Roxy, I feel so privileged to have met both beautiful ladies and stayed for 5 days with Sarah at Twala back in 2019. Memories that live with me forever.

Blessings to all sentient beings these gorgeous big beings have hearts of gold. Thank you for sharing.

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What a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us

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Thank you David for sharing Sarah's beautiful story of loss and 2nd chances at love. Brings tears to my eyes and it has and will for many others.

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Such a lovely story of compassion and understanding by the caretakers of these magnificent animals. Truly inspirational.

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