Lovely message you are launching into the world, David! The intention can speak to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. We all can take actions that create more happiness/kindness/compassion/love. Thank you.
Lovely message you are launching into the world, David! The intention can speak to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. We all can take actions that create more happiness/kindness/compassion/love. Thank you.
Thanks so much Maura. As the Dalai Lama so often says, the purpose of Buddhism is to offer tools to be happier - irrespective of one's beliefs or lack of them.
Lovely message you are launching into the world, David! The intention can speak to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. We all can take actions that create more happiness/kindness/compassion/love. Thank you.
Thanks so much Maura. As the Dalai Lama so often says, the purpose of Buddhism is to offer tools to be happier - irrespective of one's beliefs or lack of them.