David, it truly does not matter which format you choose. There is always such a deep and personal teaching that resonates like a well-tuned tuning fork. Thank you!

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You are very kind, Bette! Thank you so very much.

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I totaly agree with Pamala: Short or longer, written or spoken....they are all wonderful and reminders of wise ways to be here and live our lives.

However I personaly do prefer the books, and espessialy looking forward to a new HCC-book.

This blog with bookreviews, listering to meditation, the music and short stories make me verry happy on a weekly basis!

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I am really delighted to hear this, thank you Albertien!

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This soupçon holds a powerful message. I am meditating on this week.

Both formats work for me. For powerful messages, a shorter version works well as the reader status focused on the one teaching. However, becoming a part of a longer story brings one into a meditative state.

Thank-you for your teaching and mesmerizing writing.

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I sincerely appreciate your considered response, Kathleen! Many thanks indeed for the benefit of your time and insight.

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Dear David,

Wonderful, your story awakend me to be thankful for the countless beings before that are responsible for my current self. I was so ignorant about it. For me, the format does not matter, your stories give so much insight and that is what matters.

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My heartfelt thanks, Ayelet!

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Short or longer, written or spoken....they are all wonderful and reminders of wise ways to be here and live our lives.

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I really appreciate your generosity of spirit - and words - Pamela!

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What a beautiful thought—to be grateful for all the sentient beings who came before my own emerging existence and contributed to the person I became! . . . And yes, I enjoy HHC’s small snippets so please ask her to share another one with us soon!

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So glad you enjoyed this Susan - many thanks for your kind comment!

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David, which ever format you use, book, short story, soupcon, so long as the inspiring and knowledgeable insights not to say stunningly clever commentary come from Her Excellency, HHC, high lama of the feline universe. We are so thankful. Strewing rose petal artfully dotted with heavy cream before her lotus paws.

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HHC is always grateful for a bit of rose-petal strewing, thank you Judi and Lou! :)

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HHC’s words of wisdom and love, whether a snippet or a chapter resonate deeply - it’s always such a privilege to read your work David, thank you!

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My heartfelt thanks, Caroline.

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I enjoy ALL of your writings. But, in our busy lives ( even for those of us fortunate enough to be retired), the mouse sized teachings are the easiest to consume immediately, and not put off until "later, when I have time".

This one made me think, and be grateful for my past selves. To be where I am now. You are right, we don't always give thanks to those past beings and all they did. And, whereas I try to be diligent in this life to be of benefit in a future rebirth, it is the past that I should be truely grateful to.

Thank you for your mouse sized offering! It was truely delicious 🙏♥️

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So glad you enjoyed this morsel, Marianne! And thanks for your most helpful feedback.

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Both formats, mouse-size and chapter length, are great as some lessons likely need the longer format and others work well in smaller packages. Thank you for sharing both!


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I am very grateful for your response to this, many thanks Cathy!

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Loved it! You always have something worthwhile to share. Thank you David. ❣️

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Very kind of you to say - thanks so much Brooke!

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🙏💓🤗 I loved this, I feel like I 'come home' every time I read something from 'HHC', the insights into myself and my way of 'being' in the world. Thank you so very much for contributing to my growth. 💝💝💝💝💝

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I am so glad to hear this, many thanks Cheryl!

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I loved this mouse sized musing. I also enjoy your other formats including updates about the animal rescues and sanctuaries, meditations, etc. Looking forward to the next book from HHC

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My sincere thanks Rikki!

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I feel a great warmth and peacefulness when I read any of your writings, in any format. Thank you for making me aware of so much good.

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What a beautiful message. Thank you so much Celeste!

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This mouse-size musing is delightful.

I enjoy everything you write.

PS I would really like to see your cat pictures go back to Himalayan Cat.

Not that I am not fond of ginger cat, it's just that "The Dalai Lamas cat" I have grown to "know" and love is a furry Himalayan (or Rag Doll - not absolutely sure)

Thank you for all your wonderful work

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My pleasure, Margaret. Unfortunately, there are only limited numbers of Himalayan cat images available to use, so we must practice equanimity in our love of all things feline!

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As it so happens, one of my treasured family members was a ginger cat.

Found as a stray kitten in Abu Dhabi.

I still love him very much and am so grateful that he spent his whole life with me.

Very honoured.

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I really enjoyed this. I delight in all HHC’s mewsings. Long or short doesn’t matter, your words always transport me and provide much food for thought.

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Many thanks indeed, Sharon!

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