For someone who is very disappointed and concerned about the outcome of the election here in the US your message today touched me deeply. I have long been practicing meditation but now is the time to strengthen my practice for the good of my emotional health and the well-being of my country. Thank you for your encouragement.

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Quite right too, Cindy! Mud into lotus!

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“One’s peace of mind, one’s wellbeing, does not depend on our attachment to an outcome”.

Paraphrased from the Four paws of Spiritual Success … by none other than … our own DM! ❤️

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It is always such a privilege to have you on our page, Roxy! Thank you for all you are doing for Miss Puddles and the countless other beings who wouldn't be alive without you.

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I’m a Pollyanna by nature so outcomes that are hard for those around me remind me to wait for the big picture to reveal itself while I listen to their sadness over what ever event they are attached to and stay mindful of my own truths but kind to their feelings…which is sometimes difficult as I want to remind them of all the possibilities of whatever outcome they are choosing to suffer about but have learned my “ advice to get back up “ falls on deaf ears as their choice to suffer is attached to their expectations and some are just not capable of seeing another’s point of view….so my heart is full of Love for them regardless because they suffer and don’t have a “we’ll see “world view….Here in the USA there is always a lot for people” to process ! ❤️ “ Or in other words, choose to suffer about not realizing how fortunate they truly are. Thank you David. 🙏

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Thank you so much for sharing, Adrienne, as always!

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It's crucial we 'cultivate' compassion.

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Indeed, Michael - always!

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love, Love, LOVE finding these positive reminder messages, that I, alone, control my experience. In fact the LAST person I want determining my happiness is DT. I'll be responsible for that, thank you. No one says these things better than David Michie. THANK YOU again for reminding us of our own dominion over our own sanity!

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Very happy that it chimes with you, thank you Kathy!

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Thank you David for thoughtfully addressing the angst many of us are feeling. The story of the farmer and the horse is my go to when I think I know what is going to happen next. “We’ll see” becomes a mantra of sorts. The picture of Miss Puddles is an excellent ending since she touches the heart as do all small and vulnerable beings. The reminder to keep an open heart is the link to cultivating compassion.

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"We'll see,' is a great mantra. One that surfaces in my mind often in relation to global politics etc.

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A very powerful and needed statement on this apparent ‘external’ event. I am grateful for you but also for my Self, which was telling me not to get trapped in the noise and emotion of things outside me. Get back to where you always belong, Jo Jo.

No Mud, No Lotus - Thich Nhat Hahn. A very good book.

Thank you for taking the time to deliver this centering message.

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So glad it resonates Glenn!

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He who expects nothing, shall never be disappointed ✔🙏🏽

Thank you for the gentle reminder ~


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Many thanks for sharing, Lynn!

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And, Miss Puddles is adorable! Nice conclussion! ❤

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She is indeed, poor litte mite!

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Thank you once again, David, for such a timely lesson! Whereas I am disappointed, etc about the outcome of this election in the US, I feel very aligned with what you are saying. Whether it is the news of breast cancer, the illness of a loved one, etc, I refuse to let my mind go willy nilly! It does no good. Best to let it go towards compassion for self and others! I will be sharing this timely writing with several friends who are quite upset and beside themselves. Hopefully they will be able to read this article, think on it, and hopefully accept it. Thank you, David. 🙏❤🙏

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I am so glad you sense your own power, Marianne! And practicing compassion by helping others to recognise their own.

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Thanks David. Very timely reminder to not get weighed down by the doom and despair and to cultivate compassion for all.

But I’m curious about what this means for motivating action to reduce the likelihood of outcomes which cause suffering and hurt and destruction.

For a lot of people in the US and the world, Trump’s misogyny, racism, anti LGBTIQA+ policies and plans, and policies to keep mining and burning fossil fuels are almost certain to cause massive damage and suffering to people. You don’t need to insert the past into the future to predict that. Maybe a miracle will occur, yes that is possible, but one has to accept that there is a high expectation that life is going to get a lot more challenging for a lot of people and all of nature that we share the planet with.

So accepting this reality, yes, equanimity yes, but surely compassion and love for life means we have to use these as motivators to work with others to try to achieve a more just and caring and loving world.

I particularly appreciated Rebecca solnit’s take on this today.


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We certainly shouldn't be passive bystanders, Janet. Given that there are plenty of journalists and commentators out there telling people what they can do in the fleeting, mundane world, my own focus is much more on mind. We really need to safeguard our thoughts and feelings to avoid creating negative mental habits which may cause us to experience even greater horrors in future lives - i.e. the habit of seeing hostility and malevolence all around us. I guess each of us must find a balance that works for us.

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A timely reminder David, thank you. I have found it hard this past week and your posts reminder that I AM the agency of my own being is very much what I, and several of those around me, needed to hear right now.

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So glad to hear this, thanks Cat!

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Thank you David for your words of wisdom. While the election outcome was not one I wanted to see, clearly a lot of people wanted it. So, as with last time DT took office, I think - let's see or as you put it, we'll see. A nice reminder that we don't have to be caught up in fear and anxiety.

I also really appreciate your guided video on Tonglen meditation. I've added that to my saved meditations - I use various ones you have provided and thank you sincerely for them.

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So glad that you have found the meditations of value, Gerry! Thanks so much for sharing.

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This is so perfect and timely! Thank you!!

Two images especially -- snow globe of thoughts and emotions. I want to be on the outside of the snow globe. And, two, oh Miss Puddles!!!! Thank you for letting me be a part of helping Miss Puddles!

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Many thanks Charlene. Love really does conquer all ... even love of a baby warthog!

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Wise words David, but I’m not certain I am able to really absorb them as yet.

I know what you say is the very best advice. I have been awakening during the night telling myself “ get back to where you were, keep your heart open, compassion for all living beings.”

Because, honestly, I do not like these feelings I have been experiencing since the election. This is not my true nature, and I will do my best to return to an open loving heart. But it may take time.

So, again thank you for your guidance.

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When our emotions are so raw, reasoned arguement is pointless. Breath-based meditations I find helpful in getting back on track. Neuroscientists show that our executive functioning of the brain closes down in times of stress, and we need to find our way back to calm before we can think clearly again ...

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Thank you, David, for the reminders. I really needed that today. The picture and brief story of Miss Puddles helped to bring things back into perspective.

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So glad to hear this, thank you Sue!

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