Very timely for me. One of our beloved cats is slowly leaving this life and my mother is slowly approaching her own end of life. My own life is somewhat precarious and this serves to remind me that this is all part of living and we must take the joys of each day as they come and to remember that what we do each day affects how we go forward. Thank you.
Thanks for this. I would aksi recommend "journey of souls" by Michael Newton. He took thousands of his patients into their life between physical lives through deep hypnosis. The people didn't know eachother and yet what they related was amazingly consistent. The only differences occurred depending on their own level of evolution.
I recommend this because it is a confirmation based not on a religious understanding but on an objective collection of evidence, that is impressive corroboration. We do all have guides, and we do receive help in what the Buddhists call the bardo before returning to a physical body. I found Michael Newton's book very rewarding to read.
The lovely thing about you going on retreat is that later we shall also gain the benefits of your wisdom accrued!!
Thank you for this piece and the book recommendation, a must read for me as I work with terminally ill patients , which I have always considered an honour to be involved with the intimacy of end of life.
Dear David -- Such a gift! And, this on the heels of your having gifted we paid subscribers with the ability to share you and your bounty of Love and Caring with other friends and family through complementary subscriptions.
I have many words to say, but perhaps, you’ll intuit that my “Thank you!” springs from deepest Joy and Gratitude -- in All Things!
Blessings on your every gesture, dear Friend.
P.S.: I ordered the book; I have plenty of pens and markers at the ready. ☺️
Thank you David. I must get another book now. I really am interested in the process of death and o have two books on The Tibetan Book of The Dead. They are very intense but the one you have used to illustrate your teaching, sounds more accessible to a Westerner.
I have just finished reading The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi. Wow what a book and what a wonderful involved lady. I can’t believe that I never heard of her. She was quite a character. So involved with our dear departed Akong Rinpoche. I would love to have met her. I highly recommend this book to all Buddhist practitioners.
Thank you for this book recommendation. I have read a couple of books you have recommended, just finishing Journey to Ladakh and found them excellent reads. I really appreciate you bringing these books to our attention!
Thank you for the introduction to Peaceful death, Joyful rebirth.
I was very interested in the Mahamudra practice mentioned, Mind watching Mind. I have used your short meditation on your “ Free Stuff” site. I have also read that it is an advanced meditation technique? Could you say some more about this practice please especially after doing a retreat on this subject. Thanks again for all your wonderful writings and guidance.Lorraine x
Thank you David for writing this, and the beginning of the year seems extremely appropriate to me. I can assure you that I shall be reading the book, Peaceful Death Joyful Rebirth by Tulku Thondup, that you recommend. Death is a subject that I need to get my head around. Thanking you again for your kindness.
Very timely for me. One of our beloved cats is slowly leaving this life and my mother is slowly approaching her own end of life. My own life is somewhat precarious and this serves to remind me that this is all part of living and we must take the joys of each day as they come and to remember that what we do each day affects how we go forward. Thank you.
Thanks for this. I would aksi recommend "journey of souls" by Michael Newton. He took thousands of his patients into their life between physical lives through deep hypnosis. The people didn't know eachother and yet what they related was amazingly consistent. The only differences occurred depending on their own level of evolution.
I recommend this because it is a confirmation based not on a religious understanding but on an objective collection of evidence, that is impressive corroboration. We do all have guides, and we do receive help in what the Buddhists call the bardo before returning to a physical body. I found Michael Newton's book very rewarding to read.
The lovely thing about you going on retreat is that later we shall also gain the benefits of your wisdom accrued!!
Thank you for this piece and the book recommendation, a must read for me as I work with terminally ill patients , which I have always considered an honour to be involved with the intimacy of end of life.
Dear David -- Such a gift! And, this on the heels of your having gifted we paid subscribers with the ability to share you and your bounty of Love and Caring with other friends and family through complementary subscriptions.
I have many words to say, but perhaps, you’ll intuit that my “Thank you!” springs from deepest Joy and Gratitude -- in All Things!
Blessings on your every gesture, dear Friend.
P.S.: I ordered the book; I have plenty of pens and markers at the ready. ☺️
Thank you David. I must get another book now. I really am interested in the process of death and o have two books on The Tibetan Book of The Dead. They are very intense but the one you have used to illustrate your teaching, sounds more accessible to a Westerner.
I have just finished reading The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi. Wow what a book and what a wonderful involved lady. I can’t believe that I never heard of her. She was quite a character. So involved with our dear departed Akong Rinpoche. I would love to have met her. I highly recommend this book to all Buddhist practitioners.
Thank you Jaye
Lovely summary, thanks for the effort to put it together.
Thank you for this book recommendation. I have read a couple of books you have recommended, just finishing Journey to Ladakh and found them excellent reads. I really appreciate you bringing these books to our attention!
Not at all a sad start to the New Year David. It’s rather uplifting. Thank you and happy 2023 to you.
Thank you for the introduction to Peaceful death, Joyful rebirth.
I was very interested in the Mahamudra practice mentioned, Mind watching Mind. I have used your short meditation on your “ Free Stuff” site. I have also read that it is an advanced meditation technique? Could you say some more about this practice please especially after doing a retreat on this subject. Thanks again for all your wonderful writings and guidance.Lorraine x
Dear David,
Thank you very much for this fascinating blog. I read this book before and it inspires me all the time. I wish you all blessings for 2023.
Thank you David for writing this, and the beginning of the year seems extremely appropriate to me. I can assure you that I shall be reading the book, Peaceful Death Joyful Rebirth by Tulku Thondup, that you recommend. Death is a subject that I need to get my head around. Thanking you again for your kindness.
Thank you David an excellent way to start a new year.
Serendipitous timing finding this lovely post here on Substack two years later. Divine timing. Thank you.
I bought the book for my husband and her is devoting it. He said it is mind altering. I can't wait to read it.