Sep 7Liked by David Michie

What a very touching story, David; thank you. And lovely to see the photos of you with the cat also. πŸ₯°

Four weeks ago today, we cremated our beloved Leela dog, who filled our lives with great joy and sweetness. A rescue dog with a very traumatic history, she transformed from a depressed, subdued, anorexic creature into a big, bold and exuberant personality full of life, love and playfulness right unto her last moments despite being in pain.

We are full of gratitude and heartbreak; and just as you say, it's been a profound reminder of impermanence and the need to chant and meditate for her, for ourselves, and for the benefit of all beings.

Thank you once again, David, for your continued writing, comforting, teaching and awakening activities. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’–

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So sorry for your loss, Sharadha, and how wonderful for Leela - and you - that you have given her such a great life, death and are continuing to support her through the bardo. May Leela and all beings quickly, quickly attain enlightenment!

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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Sorry for your loss.

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It seems to me you loved Leela so muuch, so she is probablly experencing a gret life. Thanks for sharing and I am sorry for your lose!

Rossy Cortes


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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Dearest David πŸ™ What a great story to remind us of the suffering caused by attachment. With any kind of attachment, suffering will follow.

May all beings find happiness ....... Thank youπŸ™

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So true, thank you Marianne!

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Sep 8Liked by David Michie, Janmarie Michie

Holy cow, or holy cat! I love this piece more than anything you have written David! It actually made a lot of sense and explained something important to me. It also explained the so important issue of all the animals languishing in cages who want and need a loving home while some people who have lost a beloved animal hold back from adopting again. Loving another does not mean turning your back on the one that passed away! Give love again while you are here!

It was so good to hear from HHC again, I love her so much, but don’t tell my eight cats!

Now for the cat in the picture with you, tell me she is your new feline love that you needed! I so hope!

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Lovely to hear from you Sheila! Your message made me chuckle! Actually, my visitor, Maggie, and her brother Thomas, live on the property where I stay in what is an Airbnb. Both Maggie and Thomas are much loved kitties who have the most magnificent lifestyle on a large block of land.

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Sep 8Liked by David Michie

Ok so I can bring a cat to you, I have 30 wonderful cats running free and being super well cared for in my shelter that would love a home and give you writing inspiration! How many would you like? When should I come?

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Sep 8Liked by David Michie


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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Beautiful story. I noticed, just after finishing "Mouse-size musings", I let out a deep breath that I had obviously been holding in. A breath of satisfaction, of being "home". Thank you, David, once again.

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Ahhhhh! Thank you Sue! Coming home!

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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Dear David,

Your story couldn't have come at a better time --a dear friend of mine had to let his cat of 18 years go two days ago. He is terribly sad, but I sent him your story in the hope that it eases the pain a little bit. After so many years our feline and canine companions are members of the family and their loss leaves a hole in our hearts.

With gratitude, Misha

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My pleasure Misha. The initial pain of loss is inevitable. But hopefully your friend can heal quickly. 18 is a great innings, and I hope he can take some comfort that he gave his cat a good, long life.

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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Dear David,

A visit from HHC and a timely lesson in letting go of attachment, what a wonderful way to start the day.



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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Hello David, What a wonderful story. So heart warming and sweet. Made me think of our one little dog that just passed on.

I was just enchanted by the story. Thank you so much, you make me look forward to a Saturday. Peace be with youπŸ•‰οΈ

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So glad, thank you Peter!

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Sep 8Liked by David Michie

Dear David, what a truly lovely story, and featuring our beloved HHC, what a treat, Thank You, Lorraine X Also for the photos of your visitor in the beautiful bnb you stay in, such sweet musings X

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My pleasure, thank you Lorraine. It's always nice to spend time in her company again!

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Sep 8Liked by David Michie

Thank you for this thoughtful mouse-sized musing, David and for the photos of the visitor to your writer's hut. She reminds me of our cat, Sieglinde, who passed away last year, she would sit on my lap-top case on my desk in the sunshine.

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What is it about cats sitting in cases?! Thank you so much, Wendy!

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Sorry for your loss

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Sep 8Liked by David Michie

A delight to spend some time with my favorite character, HHC. It was sweet and gave hope to my desire for a last book in the series. I have questions about how things might evolve. Like what will Zara do? Could Rishi begin to show early interest in meditation? What will come of the others I've grown fond of? How would they deal with the passing of HHC? And where will that lead?

BTW, I want to hear more about Nate. I love his tender heart.


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I am so glad that you want to follow up with everyone in HHC-land Penelope! Many thanks indeed.

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You’ve done it again David. πŸ˜‡

I also am able to connect with certain cats. Which make me connect to you and your cat stories.

So many thanks for making my Sunday with a smile on my moosh. πŸ‘πŸ™

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Sep 8Liked by David Michie

You obviously talk cat! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Yep Siamese. I’m his staff.

You know the old saying.

Cats and dogs have owners

Siamese have staff. πŸ‘πŸ™

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I grew up with Pandy, the Siamese. I always knew she was wise.

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Lovely to hear from you John, and I hope you're in the best of health!

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Thanks David doing research on Buddhism and found good reading on breathing exersises. Have included them in my meditation can’t believe the results. The book is called conscious breathing. πŸ‘πŸ™βœ”οΈ

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I am truly delighted to hear this, thanks John!

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Thank you David. Such sweet musings! Love is never lost by losing a love one and we never replace our pets (or people ) but we are given the opportunity to build on that love by loving again and again when we know it’s time…our hearts always tell us if we decide to listenβ€¦πŸ˜ΊπŸΆβ€οΈ

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Quite right too, thank you Adrienne!

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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Thank you David. How lovely to hear from HHC again! Also the story of the monks carrying the woman which I have heard many times resonated far more in the context you provided than it ever has before. I know that our time with our own Rinpoche is growing short so this is of particular significance to me.

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Delighted to hear that that metaphor resonated for you, Anne. I have had the same experience - some familiar, but not very meaningful analogy suddenly making sense when seen through a different lens.

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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Needed a few tissues myself. Thanks for this heart opening reminder to move through and on from grief.

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My heartfelt thanks, Elaine!

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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

Thank you for a beautiful musing. One that really hits home. Love the photos of you and your visitor.πŸˆβ€β¬›

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Glad that this one resonated, L mc! Maggie is a cutie!

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Sep 7Liked by David Michie

I so appreciate it when you write about HHC! It had been a while and I’d been wondering what she was up to.

What a sweet picture of you and your visitor. Hopefully she’ll stick around and perhaps inspire more stories about our Snow Lion!

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Sadly, I had to say goodbye to Maggie and my Writing Hut, but rest assured there are more HHC musings on the way ...

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