Thanks David for some lovely thoughts and sentiments for the New Year and for every day. What a brave little boy is Tavonga and Zimbabwe is a wake-up call to most

of us that we should be grateful for our medical services even if they do not meet our high expectations at times. Wishing you a happy and peaceful new year and keep up the good work. Tom

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Many thanks, Tom. And you're right about our attitudes to the medical services we have. A good friend had a heart attack last week and said the service he received from the NHS was outstanding. We only hear the bad stuff in the media and, even those of us who should know better, begin to assume that it represents the whole service.

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Definitely the best “happy new year” perspective I’ve ever read! Special thanks to Abdul and the Rokpa team.

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So glad to hear this, thank you so much for all your kindness Carol!

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Thank you for such a rich posting … valuable bardo awareness, noticing the transition time we are in, helping disabled children and a really wonderful book cover from the Ukraine publisher! What an inspiration… all of it.. every word.

Blessings for you in our lives …🙏🏽💕

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So glad that the Dharma is resonating with you, Margaret!

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Thank you David for these comforting words. I like what you said about being in the Bardo.

I am happy to close the door on 2024 and now feel like in my own bardo. The future is uncertain for me and I am trying to navigate as best as I can.

What a beautiful surprise of your book from Kiev considering all that is going on as you mentioned. The cover is delightful and that cat looks so special.

I am

Glad Rokpa could come to that poor kids aid. Let’s hope it’s the end of his leg problems.

Wishing a you, Koala and the fur babies a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Thank for being so generous.

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And thank you Peter for your constant support and encouragement! All the best for 2025 to you too!

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Your community and your wisdom, upon which it's been built, is a constant source of joy and reassurance that even when I feel overwhelmed by the suffering in the world, I might still bring peace and light to dark places, especially those within myself. Bless!

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With heartfelt thanks to you, Lorian!

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Could not have been a more timely topic.

Just shared in the bardo of my dear cat, Hudson’s passing.

a time of stillness, quiet, letting go

For the sake of all sentient being’s enlightenment, may 2025 be grounded in love.

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So sorry to hear about Hudson, Linda. But it sounds like you were very aware of the death process and to help a loved being, of any kind, through this is one of the greatest gifts we may offer.

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Thank you

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That was a wonderful read David, I always enjoy your words and they often give me 'paws' for thought and contemplation.

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Many thanks indeed, Natasha!

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Thank you David, it's a wonderful idea to think of this time after the festive period but before the New Year as like a bardo period between lives, especially in the Northern Hemisphere where the weather prevents us from travelling outside very much. In my thoughts I am in a better place than this time last year although my situation is unchanged.

The image on the Ukrainian Dalai Lama's cat book is beautiful, those wonderful eyes draw you in.

The continuing situation in Ukraine causes great sadness, I hope for a peaceful resolution soon.

All the best for 2025.

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Thank you so much Wendy for your constant gratitude and kind messages. I really appreciate them!

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I love the cover on the Ukrainian edition of The Dalai Lama's Cat. I wonder if it could be licensed to other editions, a mutual benefit perhaps.

As always these reflections are such a useable reminder of simple practices that make big changes. Thanks!

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Thanks for this thought, Elaine and for your constant encouragement! All the best for 2025!

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Fabulous cover. Perhaps the picture can be sold as a piece of artwork? Perhaps with a link to buy it through your website? All money could go to help the publishing company or another animal charity.

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Great idea, thanks Kathleen. I will see if I can make direct contact with the publisher to ask.

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"Happiness is caused by giving happiness to others (love) and by freeing them from suffering (compassion)"

A great thought to go forward into 2025 with! Grateful for your encouragement and support David!

Leaving 2024 behind with all that no longer serves me, with gratitude for the experiences and no regrets. xoxo

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I am really glad these posts resonate with you, Lynn. All the very best for 2025!

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Beautiful reminders, as always. And David, that book cover! It's how I always visualized HHC, so to see her rendered like that is amazing to me.

And I am to gratified that my subscription goes partially to help kids like Tavonga and his mama.

Thank you SO much . And Happy New Year!!

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To you too MadKathryn! I always enjoy your comments - and nickname!

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Thank you so much David to for makeing me aware of the possibilities of my bardo., I had certainly

noticed and appreciated the calm, The world had not eactly stopped, but the eternal,

ongoing hum and subsided. The beautiful book from the Ukraine must have given you a thrilling moment, what a beaustful cat. I leant some of your books to a friend and now they are going the rounds of her friends like wildfire.. The story of the llittle boy with leg probelms touched my heart. I send you and your family blessings for 2025.

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My heartfelt thanks for your beautiful message, Jennifer. Thanks so much for sharing my work - and the Dharma.

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Thank you, David, for sharing Tavonga's story. I am so happy to be a small part of it; especially to feel that I'm in some real way, connected and helping. I am so grateful for you and your writing that is so much more than just words on a page or display.

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I am really glad that you're part of our interconnected journey, Charlene! I feel we really are creating a virtual, global sangha!

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Oh my gosh, I love the cover of the book sent to you…it is perfect and it is how I picture it all…thanks for sharing, not only that but for all the news of good

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It's my pleasure, Pauli. I was thrilled with that cover too!

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Your bardo post is fascinating, inspiring, and a gentle reminder of how the truth has a different ring to it - I might say there was an instant connection between your words and my heart and mind. What a welcome way to begin 2025, thank you.

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I am really glad to hear of this connection. Many thanks indeed Charna!

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