I am happy to be sharing an update this month in video format.
I know that some subscribers find it easier to process written posts, so I won’t make a habit of this. But I think it’s nice to have a visual connection from time to time.
I managed to keep it to just under 10 minutes - hurrah!
Mindful Safari: to find out more about how to book on Mindful Safari click here.
The Claw of Attraction: pre-order ahead of publication next week on Amazon here, or on other online retailers here.
An audio edition is in the works. I will let you know when it comes out next year.
To join our community of like-minded people supporting the work of great beings around the world, become a subscriber here:
About 40% of the money you help me raise through your subscription goes to the following four charities. Feel free to click on the underlined links to read more about them:
Wild is Life - home to endangered wildlife and the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery; Twala Trust Animal Sanctuary - supporting indigenous animals as well as pets in extremely disadvantaged communities; Dongyu Gyatsal Ling Nunnery - supporting Buddhist nuns from the Himalaya regions; Gaden Relief - supporting Buddhist communities in Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal and India.
David, I just listened to your wonderful video and I truly wish you would make these more often. It’s such a wonderful connection to be able to hear your voice and see your face as we listen to your message. It makes everything so real. As always, thank you for connecting all of us in this mindful, meaningful way. I’m truly looking forward to your next “installment “.
I agree with so many comments here that the video with your voice is so Much Better Than reading your notes. Face to face makes it all real. Thank you for your inspiring words. I am also looking forward to the new book. It’s a bit difficult to get your books in Ecuador so the big thank you for giving us one just because we are subscribed. I read everything you put on the Internet. Thank you so much for all your work. I hope there’s a way you let us know when we have used our subscription fee because I don’t want to miss out on any of your publications. Blessings to you. Pamela